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2016 Highlights – Oxfordshire Weddings

Oxfordshire wedding photography

It does seem like five minutes ago when I was arriving to my first wedding of the year back on March 5th. 53 weddings later, and I’m sat here feeling very privileged to do wedding photography – a job that I love in such a wonderful place Oxfordshire.

I get to witness it all; a day centred around two people with everyone they love all in a room together, it’s always going to be special. I get to experience one of the most important moment of their lives, emotions, hilarious unplanned moments and the little things that make my couples the people they are.

The biggest thank you to everyone I have met along the way, including all the crazy talented suppliers, venue coordinators, especially to: Lains Barn, Caswell House, Oxford University, Friars Court, The Manor Weston-on-the-Green and Eyensham Hall. The list is long

And finally. Oxfordshire wedding photographer Highlights 2016. Some of my favourite photographs from 2016 weddings. It’s a shame I had to limit myself with numbers as there is so many photos that I absolutely love. Enjoy

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